O Happy Day

Dear Caldwell,

Welcome new members: (Left to right): Colleen Hughes, Mike Middleton, Mary Ann and Craig Ogle. Colleen's daughter, Audrey, not pictured.

Yesterday was a rich worship experience for all, blending multiple elements of the church family we are seeking to be “in Christ” in the 21st century. Thanks to all who contributed … our choir, Smitty and Manley, guitarists Zach Thomas and Charlie Brown, Eddy Capote, Will Davis and Emily Cox on her horn!

It was a happy day for another reason as four new members joined Caldwell. As usual, they have been walking with us for various lengths of time, so none is really a stranger. I am delighted to “introduce” them in the photo.

Finally, I wanted to share the stained glass window below that was shared with me by Johnny Johnson. Consider it a “benediction”  as we “go out” into the polls. It’s a good word as we keep our country in prayer today, tomorrow and in the days ahead.

In Christ, John