Dear Caldwell,
“There will be signs . . . ,” the Gospel of Luke said as we began Advent. Everywhere we look, it seems there are signs of this is an upside-down Advent.
Sign 1: Talk about your upside-down thinking. Brent Clevenger annually hosts a Christmas party to give away money to needy causes rather than spending that money on gifts. This year, quick-thinking party guest Linda Horton of Caldwell threw the name of the Caldwell House women’s shelter into the drawing for Brent’s generosity. Whaddya know – Caldwell House was pulled from the hat and Brent made a large contribution in honor of his friends. On behalf of our Caldwell House neighbors, THANKS, BRENT, for showing us some unconventional, upside-down thinking that reminds us what this season is all about.
Sign 2: For some, it’s an upside-down season emotionally. While others are happily humming Christmas carrols, some feel weighed-down by sadness and grief. For those folk, and anyone who wants to support them, Caldwell will host a Blue Christmas service this Thursday at 7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Come and claim the Light that shines in the darkness.
Sign 3: Homeless folk feeding the ones who normally feed them? That’s upside-down, all right. But it is the wish and joy of our Caldwell House neighbors, who are hosting a holiday luncheon this Sunday at 3 in the Fellowship Hall. They are pooling the humble resources to prepare a meal that says thanks to the network of churches, organizations and businesses who provide a hot lunch every Sunday, part of the ladies’ Sunday Sabbath. All at Caldwell are invited.
The Gospel of Luke also instructed us to “be alert” to other signs of the Kingdom of God. Are you watching?
Don’t forget yoga tonight. See you at some of all of these events, soon.
In Christ,