An Intersectional Faith Community
God blesses Caldwell with a multi-aspect diversity that points the way forward for communities of faith, our city and our nation. Our congregation blends significant percentages of both people of color and people of differing sexual orientation and gender identities with its majority white congregation. We take seriously the work of learning about all forms of oppression, including the role organized religion has played. We seek out the many and varied gifts each person brings to the body of Christ from their personal walk and experience. A commitment to intersectionality defines how we worship, lead, follow and listen to all members and friends in all aspects of our ministry. We work hard to “center the other” and lift up voices too-long silenced, and we’ve learned that doing so makes us far better disciples. Drawing on this experience and his own research, the Rev. Dr. Cleghorn has written a book on these ideas and learnings that will be published in 2020.
Being Community
Caldwell members build and sustain strong relationships when we work side by side during outreach, mission and social justice work. In a world where so many feel displaced or disconnected, alone or lost, Caldwell makes it easy to feel the love that binds God’s family together.
A sense of community is real at Caldwell – real conversations, real caring, real commitment to sharing time that is both fun and meaningful.
- Retreats: Each year, we offer both a congregation-wide retreat as well as a women’s retreat as time to get away, deepen relationships and reflect on our faith and the world.
- After worship: Almost every Sunday, we gather after worship for lemonade and a sweet snack. When the weather is good, we meet under the trees on our front lawn. When the weather doesn’t cooperate, we meet in Belk Hall, the building directly behind the sanctuary building.
- Small groups: We have, and will continue to, organize small groups to gather for social time, prayer, study and community.
- Summer nights: In the summer, we get together for Wednesday night dinner, learning and conversation, an event we call Summer Nights at Caldwell (SNAC).
- Slowing down, breaking bread: On the second Sunday of every month, we get together after worship for a newcomers lunch; all are invited to join us. Almost every month we also slow down to break bread with each other at picnics and potlucks and special Sunday breakfasts for purely social time or to celebrate the holidays.
- Faith Walkers: This study group meets mid-morning on the fourth Wednesday of the month to discuss and study a book related to faith. They often grab lunch afterward.
- Women’s Book Club: This group meets on the second Monday evening of each month.
Caring for Each Other
Connecting and serving each other weave us tightly together during times of celebration, consolation and crisis. We show up for each other.
- Prayer: Led by our Director of Congregational Care and Worship Gail Henderson-Belsito, members of our prayer team offer daily prayer for the Caldwell community.If you have a prayer need, please contact Gail or leave your information in the prayer request box in the back of the sanctuary.
- Visits: We visit people who are in the hospital and we take communion to people who aren’t able to join us for Sunday worship.
- Crisis Care: During times of crisis, Caldwell provides food, transportation and other assistance. Funeral and bereavement assistance is available.
- Celebrations: The Caldwell community is also available for wedding facilitation, confirmation, baptisms and other sacred celebrations.
- Worship: You are invited to participate in worship as ushers, by reading scripture and by donating flowers.
- Children & Youth: Volunteers are needed for our nursery, to lead and participate in Godly Play and Children’s Sunday School, and with our Youth.