Running the Race

MIchael carrying Michael

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.             – Hebrews 12:1-2

Dear Caldwell,

It is a blessing to be back. Thanks to all who have sent kind messages, made visits with best wishes and even sent flowers for all the staff and visitors to enjoy.

While on sabbatical, as I wrote to you earlier, I focused on all aspects of my health so that, as the author of Hebrews writes and as Abong preached about, I can run the race set before us. I also recreated. When we use the word “recreate,” sometimes we forget that it is in recreation that we can be “re-created.” This was one of my main pursuits for the last 8 weeks.

Senior saint Jackie Abernethy has moved from Sardis Oaks to Huntersville Oaks in North Mecklenburg. She is as fine and feisty as ever and looking forward to making new friends in her new abode. You owe it to yourself to pay this wise woman a visit!
Senior saint Jackie Abernethy has moved from Sardis Oaks to Huntersville Oaks in North Mecklenburg. She is as fine and feisty as ever and looking forward to making new friends in her new abode. You owe it to yourself to pay this wise woman a visit!

At the gym where I work out, I’ve gotten to know two men who have left quite an impression on me.  Michael Angel was born with cerebral palsy. Now in his 50s, his body resembles a Gordian knot. Still, he works out three hours per day three days per week. He’s helped me keep things in perspective and inspired my own workouts.

Last weekend, a trainer at the gym and Michael participated in a race in which the trainer carried Michael on his back over 3-plus hours of obstacles.  But Michael was hardly a passive participant. The race required as much – if not more – of him than the trainer, who is himself in excellent shape. Michael had to build muscles to do his part as the two traversed high walls and crawled through mud, among other challenges. The race required trust and excellent cooperation between the two, along with the capacity to know each others’ strengths and each other’s limits. They finished with great success. (If interested, you can read more about it here.)

We have been through a similar race. As a congregation, you have carried each other in these last months as we have traversed our own course. Anne Hunter Eidson and Sally Herlong, along with our interns Henry Trexler and Gwen Pearson, have helped carry the congregation. And you all have carried me, in a sense.

Pastoral visits this week have spanned from our oldest member to our youngest (pictured here, Evan Ashley). Please also pray for: - A member who is having surgery Thursday. - Richard Campbell, who is on bed rest. - Wilma Petty, whose birthday is tomorrow and continues caring for her mother. DO YOU HAVE THE CD OF SUNDAY's WORSHIP SERVICE? If so, please let me know so that we can make copies that others can benefit from it. Thanks.
Pastoral visits this week have spanned from our oldest member (Jackie, above) to our youngest (pictured here, Evan Ashley).
Please also pray for:
– A member who is having surgery Thursday.
– Richard Campbell, who is on bed rest.
– Wilma Petty, whose birthday is tomorrow and continues caring for her mother.
If so, please let me know so that we can make copies that others can benefit from it. Thanks.

That is not to say I haven’t been training for my share of the course. I return with a new appreciation for you as a mature, self-aware, more unified congregation with a renewed commitment to our mission. I return with new physical and spiritual disciplines and a deeper level of my own strengths and weaknesses, points of vulnerability and growing edges.

I am reminded once again of Paul’s words in Romans- that suffering leads to endurance and endurance leads to confidence and confidence leads to hope and hope does not disappoint.

Thank you – each of you – for running the race set before us, which is ever unfolding.

In Christ,
