Enter Advent

One of our traditions is to decorate a tree with "Chrismons" - ancient symbols whose name is short for Christ monograms. One Chrismon is the fish.,
One of our Advent traditions is to decorate a tree with “Chrismons” – ancient symbols whose name is short for Christ monograms. One Chrismon is the fish, a sign of promise for early Christians.

Dear Caldwell,

I trust and pray that you all had a peaceful and meaningful Thanksgiving with family and friends. At our house, we were able to fight off the Tryptophan that invades our bodies in a trojan horse otherwise known as a turkey long enough to watch the Panthers win. After that, things got  a little fuzzy.

“The days are surely coming ….” That is how Sunday’s scripture reading (Jeremiah 33:14-16) opens, inviting us all into the season of waiting and preparation that is Advent. As Christians, we live out of both memory and hope, between the already and the not-yet of God’s promised kingdom. We turn toward Bethlehem already knowing what awaits but eager for the renewal of the promise that comes in a manger. Jeremiah lifts up that promise, come Sunday.

It will be a joyfully busy worship service, with three baptisms involving two families. What better herald could we ask for? After worship, we will gather as a family for a covered dish luncheon. So please bring your specialty – whatever that is. There is even room on the table for Turkey Tetrazini.

As we enter Advent, we are invited by Linda Steber and the Christian Formation Committee to take up a spiritual discipline.  Advent calls us to listen and reflect in this season of business and anxiety is important. Among many ways to mark this season, Caldwell has set up an online reflection and discussion group for those of us unable to meet face to face during the week. You can join the group by emailing Linda Steber atlinda.steber@gmail.com and she will send you an invitation. The group’s address is https://groups.google.com/d/forum/advent-reflections-and-discussion. There will also be a few printed copies of the devotions available. Please join us as we pray and share. In our world today we need the peace of Christ to come again. Come Lord Jesus.

Please keep in your prayers:

  • Wilma Petty and family, upon the death of Wilma’s mom, Jean, Thursday.
  • All those for whom the holidays are an emotionally difficult time.
  • Ron Wright, recovering from eye surgery.
  • Robbie Walls, recovering from foot surgery.
  • Richard Campbell, still facing some high blood pressure.
  • A member who recently had a malignant growth removed, with a hopeful report.
  • Quan Rutledge
  • Brenda Hassler, Kelly Fuller’s mother, who is recovering from surgery.
  • Magalay Lovell and her mom, family of Celina Jamieson.
  • Prayers of joy for those who will be baptized Sunday – Tim and daughter Clara Vandervoert and infant Branch Pendry, son of Tim and Jenna.
  • Our city, nation and world.

Yours in Christ,
