Respect for All of God’s Children

Caldwell youth offer a prayer before serving breakfast to the guests at Charlie's Place, a ministry to the homeless in Washington DC.
Caldwell youth offer a prayer before serving breakfast to the guests at Charlie’s Place, a ministry to the homeless in Washington DC.

Dear Caldwell,

“This is my story … so far.”

With that introduction, we heard David tell his story of how quickly and easily he moved from a middle-class upbringing to homelessness and then to housing and stability again.

David’s is just one of the stories heard this week by the nine Caldwell teens and their adult leaders on mission retreat in Washington, DC. Working through the Pilgrimage, an urban ministry experience offered through our sister church, The Church of the Pilgrims, our young people are busy serving with their hands, learning with their minds and feeling with the hearts about what it means to live on the margins of society.

They have prepared, delivered and served meals to the hungry and homeless, sorted clothes in a clothes closet for those in need, helped the elderly and more. They have met with our denomination’s Washington staff, which advocates for the gospel in Congress. And they have spent time thinking about what their faith compels them to do once back home in Charlotte.

They have also written their reflections down and I look forward to sharing them in this space shortly. They have much to say and we will be blessed by their ideas and influence, as shaped by this experience.

This morning, John told his story of rebounding from homelessness to now work at Charlie’s Place, a homeless ministry. “All God’s children deserve respect,” he said. And each of us can make a difference. As one of our teens said last night, “A little bit of hope can go a long way.” Indeed.

We head back tomorrow, so keep us in your prayers as we travel, as well as all those in the Caldwell community in need of God’s comfort and intercession.

On Sunday, we will gather for worship, celebrate communion and our friend and campus partner, Lisa Koons with 24/7 Prayer, will conclude our Campus Partner preacher series. She will share more about her work with End Slavery to liberate women from the bondage of human trafficking.

See you then.

In Christ,
