Dear Caldwell,
On this Monday, as we begin to move from Sunday to Sunday, it seems only appropriate that we “give thanks” to God for the hard work and discipleship of so many whose efforts made for such a successful Pride Week.
Without a doubt, I cannot name everyone, but some key leaders include:
Lisa Raymaker, who coordinated the city-wide Interfaith Pride Worship Service Aug. 14.
Denise Byrd, who led the coordination of our booth on Saturday and Sunday, including gathering a wide range of free raffle prizes that allowed us to introduce Caldwell to people in a fresh way.
Johnny Johnson, Eddy Capote, Jane McBride and Patrick Raymaker, who put together a wonderful and memorable float.
Anne Hunter Eidson, Manley Roberts and Smitty Flynn and the choir, for making a joyful noise all the way down Tryon Street.
Craig and Mary Ann Ogle for feeding us between worship and the parade.
There are dozens of others who marched, prayed, staffed the both and helped in many other ways.
We also give thanks for two Caldwell members who were given Pride Awards – Riley Murray for 10 years of behind-the-scenes logistics, coordination and festival management and Dr. Rhrett Brown, for his long-time championship of the LGBT community in Charlotte and across the state. Finally, a big “thanks” to our unofficial member, Parade Marshall Mayor Jennifer Roberts, for her steadfast and courageous leadership.
If you didn’t see it in today’s Observer, here is a good story on the growing number of houses of faith and other allied organizations that were present at the festival and parade.
Our call as the body of Christ continues, directing us to show Christ’s love and fight for equality and justice for all marginalized populations. For now, though, a hearty thank you … and word of encouragement for all our Pride leaders to catch their breath!
In Christ,