Graduation and Transition

Dear Caldwell,

KristenPastor John is on vacation enjoying ocean breezes and sand castles, so Caldwell gets a guest blogger this week! My name is Kristen and I’m one of the summer interns.

Late May and early June, along with hot weather, pools opening, excited kids, and finishing school, mark the season of graduation. From graduations from preschool to graduations from doctoral work (shout out to the Rev. Dr. John Cleghorn), all graduations mark a transition and a sending. The moment we took to honor Gabe on Sunday reminded me of senior Sunday at the church where I grew up.

The seniors are recognized during the children’s message, and it is a somewhat funny sight. A bunch of rather tall not-really-children in caps and gowns tower over a bunch of rather small children sitting on the floor, the seniors no doubt thinking “Was I ever really that small?” and the little kids thinking “Will I ever really be that tall?”

The seniors look out at their church family, who stood up when they were baptized, taught them in Sunday school, mentored them through confirmation, led their mission trips in high school, and loved them at every single step of the way. Those same people now send them out into the world with the assurance that the church will always, no matter what, welcome them home.

We did the same thing for Gabe on Sunday. During the children’s message, Henry asked the children if there was anything they wanted to remind Gabe of as he celebrated his graduation. An elementary schooler, James, raised his hand eagerly and confidently reminded Gabe that he will always be welcomed back to his Caldwell family with loving and open arms, no matter what.

At its very core, graduation begs the question of ‘what’s next.’ Like all transitions, it forces us to look to the future and make decisions about where we are headed. I think, though, that it is easy in those moments of change to lose sight of God, the one who is truly leading us through big transitions. We work to find control and certainty, while forgetting to listen to that still, small voice that might push us in an uncertain or unexpected direction.

Think about the Lord’s Prayer. I find that I’ve repeated it so many times that I lose sight of the meaning and comfort behind the words I’m saying. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.” God’s Kingdom come, God’s will be done. Not my will or yours, but God’s will. Not my vision or yours, but God’s vision. God’s Kingdom is not about the plans we make, so we pray for the ability to give up control and let God do the planning.

Graduation is both celebration and commencement. It is a ‘welcome to the first day of the rest of your life’ event. Other transitions have the same effect. Switching schools, changing jobs, a new relationship, a birth or death in the family. Transition marks a change from one time to another. In that upheaval, we are called to remember that we worship a God who guides our paths. A God who has plans for us, plans to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).


Coming Up This Week

Caldwell’s Touchpoint Committee wraps up a highly informative transgender education series this Sunday, June 18, at 2:00 pm in Belk Hall. This month’s topic is Ways to Support the Trans Community and is open to the public. Please come and invite your friends!

SNAC logoSNAC IS BACK, beginning June 22! Make plans to join us for one or more Summer Nights at Caldwell (SNAC) for a fun, interesting time together for all ages.

Our wonderful interns, Amy and Kristen, will help us explore spiritual gifts in a “Caldwellian” version of Vacation Bible School on Thursday nights.

5:30 gathering games, 6:00 salad supper (bring a topping to share) & ice cream sundaes (bring a topping to share) 6:30-7:30 activities, music, and discussion. Other SNAC dates are July 13 (pie and skits) and August 10 (cupcakes and celebration).


Please Remember in Prayer

We pray for those affected by shootings in Alexandria, VA and San Francisco. We also pray for those involved in the apartment fire in London. May peace and compassion be abundant.

Kitty McDonough, whose mother died last week.

Zoraida Stewart, who will have outpatient arm surgery Thursday.

Abong Fankham, whose cousin died in Maryland. Abong will travel to the memorial service.

Fred “Scotty” Powers, whose cancer has recurred. He will have surgery in July.

Kim Bohannon, whose mother is dealing with a broken foot. Also, Kimbo and Ginger’s dog is very sick.

Laura Simmons, who will have reconstructive surgery June 21.


To read John’s sermon from last week click here.


God’s peace,
