Away We Go

Dear Caldwell,

Fourteen of your members and friends are west-bound first thing in the morning to learn about global poverty and work toward its solutions. Youth and adults will be in Perryville, Ark. at the Heifer International Ranch. You might know Heifer as the agency through which one can buy a cow or a goat for a family in a developing nation.

Part of the global village at the Heifer Ranch.
Part of the global village at the Heifer Ranch.

Part of our time will be spent in a re-creation of a global village, where we will experience for 24-hours what it’s like to exist on sparse food supplies and live in primitive conditions. As we travel, learn and work, we covet your prayers. I will be in touch during the week with a report. Please also pray for intern Amy Speas, who will travel to Ghana next Thursday, a place where she interned at a church last summer and deeply loves.

As we prepare to work the land, perhaps it’s appropriate that Abong Fankam will preach from Jesus’ Parable of the Sower in worship Sunday (Matthew 13:1-9 and 18-23). Hope you will be there to support her.

Thanks to all who came to Summer Nights at Caldwell last night for a fun night of skits and other ways to reflect creatively on the “gifts of the spirit.” Mark your calendar now for the last Summer Night, Aug. 10.

I’ll see you in a week or so. Please lift up the names below in prayer and celebration.

In Christ, John

Please Remember in Prayer

 The Lord is faithful in all words,
and gracious in all deeds. 

The Lord upholds all who are falling,
and raises up all who are bowed down. Psalm 145:13-14

 Quan Rutledge, whose 22-year-old cousin’s body was found in a pond in Lancaster, SC last weekend.

Fred Powers, who is recovering from successful surgery on Tuesday.

Sky McKee, granddaughter of Riley and Dee Murray, who had successful surgery for adenoids and tubes in her ears today.

Holland and Arthur Pulley as baby Pulley’s due date is near!

Jill Aleong, grieving the loss of her father.

Dee Rogers, whose 46-year-old cousin died unexpectedly last week and Syd Howell, whose sister Robbie was hospitalized this week.

Marilyn Marks and Bob Atkinson, who are caring for a child they mentor following surgery.

Joyce Deaton, who is involved in caring for a friend with dementia following the death of her husband.

Richard Harrison, on the anniversary of his son’s death this week.

Ruby Jones, her daughter Sylvia and granddaughter, Trinity.

Kelly Zellers, as her mother is ailing, and Henry Trexler, whose close relative is critically ill.

Mission trip participants traveling to Heifer International in Arkansas July 15-22: Tatyanna Montgomery, Ben Ratliff, Jermaine Johnson, Rosabella Ethridge, Kalaura Jones, Dennis Testerman, Ann Dorsett, Doreen Byrd, Tianna Scott, Heather Wolsiefer (friend of Tianna Scott), Eric Overcash, Kristen Roehrig, John Cleghorn and Henry Trexler.

We rejoice that Jean Nance and Linda Ellen Horton have received successful eye treatments.

We rejoice that Zoraida Stewart has a new service dog, Bam Bam.