Writing On Your Hearts

Please welcome our newest members, Brandon Weiss (left) and Katie Grams. They are new to Charlotte from Atlanta and are excited to join in the work of Caldwell church. Please seek them out Sunday in worship or at the reception.
Please welcome our newest members, Brandon Barber (left) and Katie Grams. They are new to Charlotte from Atlanta and are excited to join in the work of Caldwell church. Please seek them out Sunday in worship or at the reception.

Dear Caldwell,

As we move from Sunday to Sunday this week, Intern Amy Speas has chosen a scripture for this Sunday that lifts up one of the Bible’s more intriguing images. Last Sunday, we considered the covenant offer God makes to us in Communion. This week, Jeremiah describes that covenant with God this way.

“This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”  Jeremiah 31:33

What does it mean to have God’s promise written on our hearts? Is that a burden or a gift? Is it heavy or, as Christ said, it this “burden” light?

Personally, I am struck by the strong sense of belonging God offers through the prophet, “I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” That’s a promise that whatever burdens I carry from time to time, I never do so alone, nor am I unequipped by God for the task.

What do you think? Come Sunday and hear what Amy has to say about all of that in her farewell sermon.

In Christ,
