It’s Time to Share Our Gratitude

Stewardship2018_finalDear Caldwell,

As we travel this week from Sunday to Sunday, we are given the words of Rev. Jan Edmiston’s sermon, “How do we make our lives into a thank-you note?”

Thank you for what? For God’s grace in our lives; for the hope God stubbornly and unfailingly offers in dark days; for the oft-repeated words in scripture, ‘do not fear;’ for healing and renewal; for the community that is Caldwell; and, for the chance every day to be Easter people who believe the good news that God is still “doing a new thing” for a hurting world.

As we have been studying this month, what follows God’s grace is our gratitude – gratitude that is seen, said and shared. This Sunday, we share our gratitude. We express our thanks to our Lord with our financial pledges to God’s church.

If you have not already, please find a moment before Sunday to pray over your pledge, fill out a pledge card from the packet you received in the mail, and bring it to church on Sunday. We will celebrate our commitment, our re-dedication to what we get to do for others in God’s name through the ministries and public witness of the church.

Or, if you want to go ahead and pledge online, click here. It only takes a moment.

We are off and running toward next year, thanks to the many households who have already pledged. Please remember, every pledge matters, every one makes a difference.

For more information, below are some answers to frequently asked questions about our shared stewardship of the church God has given us. Thank you in advance.

Why should I make a pledge to Caldwell?

The practical answer is that our ministries are funded by the tithes and offerings of Caldwell’s members and friends.  What we give defines how much we can do in 2019 in the name of Christ in Charlotte.

More important, our faith compels us to join God in advancing God’s kingdom, will and purposes on earth. God’s word in scripture calls us to give what we can, even sacrificially, to bear witness through our ministries to the marginalized, the oppressed, the suffering, the weary and the wounded, in our faith community and beyond.

Without our tithes and offerings, our mission statement is just words on paper.

Doesn’t the church have plenty of money already?

Eleven years ago, Caldwell almost closed its doors. Through hard work, careful stewardship and members’ steady support, we are now financially sound. But that is not to say there is excess money. The staff and session operate the church in a lean, missional way to ensure that we use our budget for direct ministry to the city and to each other.

What about the support we receive from the Gambrell Family Foundation? Does the church really need my pledge?

The Gambrell Family Foundation has helped us generously with non-operating financial support to repair our buildings, which suffered severe neglect for decades before the church came back to life. The foundation may help us with other buildings and grounds projects, but that remains to be seen.

However generous they have been, NONE of their support is used for our annual budget – what it takes to keep the lights on, support local non-profits and pay our staff. That is the responsibility of the congregation. Without our inclusive and welcoming ministries, made possible by your tithes and offerings, the Gambrells would not be inspired to join us as partners.

What is our budget?

The session plans next year’s budget to equal this year’s, which is about $531,000.  Many members and friends stepped up last year to increase their pledge so we could expand our staff to include a full-time Director of Congregational Care and Worship, which is Gail Henderson-Belsito. Thanks be to God for them and for her!

Because so many members stretched with their annual pledge last year, the Session has decided to aim for a 2019 budget similar to this year’s. This helps us all “grow into” our new level of giving for one more year. However, if members are able to increase their pledge, even a little, that would be very helpful!

Why should I make a pledge instead of just giving on Sunday mornings whenever I am able to do so?

A pledge is our promise to God, made in return to the promise God fulfilled in Christ’s grace and continues fulfill every day in our lives. Every pledge matters, whether large or small. Scripture calls for our “first fruits,” rather than whatever is left over at the end of the month. Also, pledges allow the Session to know with more predictably what to expect so we can use our finances wisely, justly and judiciously.

Should I give online?

YES! Online giving makes it easier on you and much better for the church. More members make their pledge payments online every year. It’s a one-time sign up. Click here to do so, but still fill out and return a pledge so we can know of your commitment.

If I already give online, do I still need to fill out and return a pledge card?

Yes, please. Otherwise, we won’t know what your pledge us for 2019. THANKS!

Finally, don’t forget that your pledge packet includes more information about how the church turns your pledge into expressions of God’s love and justice. If you need a packet, call John C at 704-957-4511 or write him at