Summer Nights, Compassionate Community

Bailey in her "office" at church, working hard to prepare 3 great Summer Nights at Caldwell. Come tomorrow night for the first!
Bailey in her “office” at church, working hard to prepare 3 great Summer Nights at Caldwell. Come tomorrow night for the first!

Dear Caldwell,

This is Bailey, your 2019 church intern, writing. I’ve learned through Paul’s letters in the Bible and other etiquette lessons that one should always begin with a greeting. So, here I am praying for peace and comfort during a seemingly busy time. I hope the week brings infinite greatness.

During my time here, which consists of two weeks total, I have been charged with the beautiful blessing of coordinating Summer Nights at Caldwell – SNAC as the locals call it. To my luck, I have been given creative liberty when it comes to planning curriculum. So, I am here to detail what can you expect in the coming months as we share fellowship together on Wednesday evenings.

When I was considering how to connect our June, July and August summer nights in a fun but meaningful program, I had to contemplate a message those of all ages could draw from, while also noting of the dynamic that is Caldwell Presbyterian Church. Simple right?

Through this discovery, and help of invaluable references, I have landed on the term – compassionate community. Compassionate community. During our time together this summer we will be diving into compassionate community and all that it entails. Our first Wednesday, June 19th, we will look to identify who is a part of our community.

What does community mean and what role do we play in said communities? The second Wednesday, July 17th, we will turn to compassion. What does compassion mean and what could it look like? We will conclude on Wednesday, August 14th contemplating the why. Based on what we know about the latter, why does all of this matter?

Before I conclude, I would love to share of a personal experience about community. My most favorite community is my immediate family. I find this to be so, because I never have to justify who I am or what I chose to do. I am loved and valued on my own terms, which then allows me to contribute to our family community in the most genuine way.

The very first Sunday I came to Caldwell, I stood up and introduced myself as a visitor…while I was barefoot. Now, this may seem like an insignificant detail, but visiting barefoot is still slightly out of the ordinary nonetheless. Caldwell, you greeted and embraced me like family regardless of the shoes I had on my feet, and that is community.

I’ve found myself reeling in passion over the message of compassionate community and would highly encourage your attendance. These are themes we are called to ponder consistently, so let’s do it together. Come share in fellowship, fun, and considerable thought provoking time. Bring your friends, bring your kids, bring your uncle! All are welcome.

With all the peace,

Bailey Morton