Great is Their Faithfulness

The Michie Fan Club

Dear Caldwell,

Today, 14 senior Charlotte Presbyterians were honored. Each has actively served the church for at least 25 years, meaning that their combined service adds up to about four centuries or so. That span of time is roughly equivalent to the age of our denomination. As Richard Harrison said to me at the luncheon, “These are the saints of the church.”

He’s right. One man had been clerk of the session for something like 40 years. One lady had championed congregational care and nurture. Another fellow had focused on raising up young people through sports. One story stood out, however, a story of an intentional walk of faith with people of difference, racial, economic and otherwise. This was Mary Carol Michie’s story (which is also George Michie’s story). About 15 of us were proud to support Mary Carol at today’s luncheon and inspired anew by her example. We love you Mary Carol.

In many ways, today is an altogether appropriate day to be reminded how our faith can create common ground and how God’s grace should compel us to be a loving and welcoming community, the body of Christ. As I mentioned yesterday, our denomination is quite likely to pass a major milestone tonight, eliminating language in the church constitution that has excluded the LGBT community from ordained leadership. Here is an NPR story (print and audio) with more detail.

At today’s luncheon for our Senior Presbyterian leaders, we sang the classic hymn, “Great is thy faithfulness.” One verse includes this:

“Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside!”

As we celebrate the members of one generation who pioneered a racially integrated church and look forward to a church that welcomes leaders regardless of sexual orientation, we’re reminded that the church is progressing.  Perhaps not as fast as it should, but it is progressing.

This is, in the words of the hymn, “Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.”

In Christ,
