What’s New for 2020? LOTS!

Belk Hall is named for store chain founder, William Henry Belk, who raised his family here. A plaque on the building in his memory called him "builder of the kingdom of God."
Just one “new thing” in 2020 will be the demolition of old Belk Hall to make way for a new hall for community and congregation. Read more below about what else to expect!

Dear Caldwell,

Greetings in Christ on the eve of the year of Lord 2020!

The new year brings all manner of “new things” at Caldwell.  As you know, we persist in the idea that the church follows the liturgical calendar rather than the secular one. Accordingly, the church year began in early December, preparing for Christ’s birth. Your church staff and session have been working on a range of exciting things that we’d like to share. With Emanuel, God with us, just watch out for what’s possible!

Holy Conversations – Who We Are and Whose We Are:

This is our theme for the entire year as we introduce several new ways to gather in study, dialogue, service and story-sharing. Amidst what will likely be a year of bitter, divisive politics, the theme is meant to help us reground ourselves as a faith community with a particular DNA and calling. “Holy Conversations” will be an umbrella for the following and other offerings.

Christian Formation

The Preachers’ Porch and Pub debuts next Tuesday at 7 p.m. This is a chance to collaborate with the Gail and me and others who will preach here as we look at how scripture intersects with our every-day lives. We’ll invite feedback and reflection on the prior Sunday’s sermon and engage participants in looking at the upcoming Sunday’s scripture passage. It’s an interactive dialogue with echoes of the former Pints and Paths gathering. Every first and third Tuesday night 7-8:15 p.m. at Hawthorne’s NY Pizza on Seventh Street near church. We’ll get a private room.

Book Read: In February, Black History Month, we will begin a church-wide book read. Facilitated discussion will be offered throughout the year on different days and times to allow for as many folks as possible can fit it into their busy lives. We begin with Sunday nights in February, 6:00 p.m. in The Third Place. We’ll read several books together but the first is a fascinating and challenging “letter to the church” that raises the bar in relation to our calling to be an anti-racist church and to push for new expressions of our belief in social justice and reconciliation. If you want to get a jump start, the book is Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the U.S.  Click here to take a look on Amazon.

Lent: Watch for still more ways to continue conversation and study, including inter-generational study led by Justin on Sunday mornings for families with kids.

Gail’s Ordination

Yes, indeed, upon completion of her Master of Divinity in the spring and her final examination by Presbytery, we’re prayerfully and deeply eager to ordain Gail as our Associate Pastor. She has worked hard in school and in her role as Director of Congregational Care and Worship, and God has blessed her with magnificent skills as a pastor, leader and preacher. Watch for an ordination date in the summer.

Caldwell and Diversity

In the second half of 2020, we will be pushing deeper in our conversation as a congregation about diversity and how we can be as intentional as possible in enriching and exploring our diversity in all of its expressions, including racial diversity.

Campus Transformation

Hearth designs are coming along and “God willing and the creek don’t rise” we will demolish Belk Hall this spring and begin construction on a new 9,000-square foot hall for the use of the community and the congregation. We’re so grateful to Robbi Walls (chair) and the Hearth Committee for the hard work already invested. Watch for meetings in the first quarter of the year to hear more about the look, feel and functionality of the building. We’re also hopeful that the financing puzzle will come together to allow us to begin renovating the Price Building into affordable housing. Both projects are scheduled as of now to be completed in 2021.

New Website

Yes, indeed again! Thanks to a special gift from a member, we’ve been working to launch a new website to tell the Caldwell story to newcomers and to help the Caldwell community keep up with all sorts of news and events. And guess what – the new website did a “soft launch” last week! It features the faces and ministries that define your work as Christ’s hands and feet. Take a look with a click here – but please know the site is still in roll-out mode. New content will be added and links will be activated in the next few weeks to add to what is already there. Please thank Peg Robarchek for spear-hearing this long-in-the-works and intensive project.


After enhancing security on Sunday mornings in a number of ways two years ago, a committee is at work to review and increase smart ways we can be as safe as possible at worship and at other times. We’re looking for members with security or health-related expertise to join the committee. Contact me if you have something to add. Watch for related dialogues in the coming weeks. ALL are invited to attend a “Stop the Bleed” training session 8-11 a.m. Jan. 10 here at church.

Of course, there is so much more – many existing and needed ministries underway that will continue. When we raised the budget during the Stewardship Campaign, we celebrated God’s abundance. Surely those prayers, hopes and dreams will come true in 2020.

See ya then.

In Christ,
