I am increasingly aware of how wilderness experiences form a common bond among many at Caldwell. As a new church family, viftually all of this congregation has come here from another place, whether that transition was immediately from another church or after a hiatus from church. As a result, many here know what it means, at least at some level, to be “in the wilderness” – away from a church family, a church home or even feeling apart from God.
Wilderness experiences are a common theme in scripture, as well. God has a way of reaching people when they are in unfamiliar surroundings and contexts. That’s often when we are listening most closely, which God must know.
Nine members of the Caldwell family just returned from a week in the wilderness backcountry of Wyoming. We experienced first hand what it means to see the magnificence of creation as well as the work and discomfort that comes with what it takes to get away from civilzation. On Sunday in the sermon, I’ll reflect on how God works through wilderness experiences, including those that we sometimes experience without even leaving home – times of disorientation and dislocatoin when we seek God’s reassuring presence. We will also celebrate communion and receive new members into the life of this congregation.
An immediate need: Cyndi Haden is moving tomorrow and needs two able men for about two hours, beginning at 3:30 p.m. If you are available, please call Cyndi right away at 704-953-7354.
Please keep several members of our church family in prayer: Don Cowan and Jean Prewitt as Don’s parents face multiple health issues and Randy Hood and Michael Wingate, both of whom are mourning their mothers.
The picture above is a glimpse of what the Caldwell youth have been doing today. Under Marilyn Rowland’s leadership, they have resarched and created two new banners that will soon adorn our sanctuary. I look forward to your seeing them when we get them hung. I appreciate their efforts.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
In Christ,