Maundy Thursday – A New Mandate


This image comes from a series of heavy glass slides discovered in the church archives called "Magic Lantern" slides. Achieving the height of its popularity in the Victorian era (1880-1910 or so), the technology preceeded film and slide projectors, which emerged in the 1950s. Theaters and other large gatherings would put on Magic Lantern Shows to the oohs and aahhs of the audience. For Caldwell to have owned a set indicated there is a story to be uncovered. In Caldwell's set of slides, many had the words of hymns. So we might imagine members gathering to view these images and sing. It was the Powerpoint of its day.

Dear Caldwell,

Today begins what the Christian tradition calls the Triduum – a three-day period covering Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Tonight we gather to remember the passion of Christ, his submission and suffering, even to the cross. When we slam the Bible (the word) shut at the end of tonight’s service, we remember that in these three days, Christ (the Word) was absent from the world.

But before Christ gave himself for us, he broke bread with his disciples. He also gave them a new command, or mandate – which is where we get “Maundy Thursday.” All of this – and more – gives us a prelude to the cross, the title of tonight’s message.

I hope to see you tonight at 7:30 for this deeply reflective, mediative and stirring service that is designed to guide our spiritual reflection through the Triduum, to Easter morning.

In Christ,
