Our Cup Runneth Over

The Apostle Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, Acts 8:26-40


Dear Caldwell,

As meaningful as it was for the three dozen of us who worshipped last Sunday at the multicultural church conference, it will be good for us all to be together again Sunday. Come Sunday, our “cup overfloweth:” We will celebrate both sacraments – communion and a baptism. In the sermon we will take a look at a fascinating story in Acts 8:26-40 in which the Apostle Philip encounters a man with whom he has very little in common – an Ethiopian eunuch. The two take a ride together and the ‘destination’ turns out to be the last place either would have expected, at least before they met. The story has a lot to say about how God brings us together across our differences and how we can find a common bond in faith.

 Before worship:

  • Our loyal breakfast crew will gather around 7 to prepare to serve our Caldwell House neighbors breakfast at 8:30 a.m. (Many thanks to the huge crew who tended to this duty last Sunday.)
  • At 9:45, Liz Wagner will lead another class on the Beatitudes at 9:45 in the Shelby Room

Then an important opportunity after worship: The Education Committee will host a forum discussion on what new forms of Christian education and spiritual development we might consider as additional ways to feed our souls and equip us for service. A light lunch will be provided. Come one and all.

It’s always risky to recognize birthdays because we can’t keep up with everyone. However, yesterday was Rev. Veronica Rogers’ big day, tomorrow is Craig Phillips’ and Monday is Johnny Frazier’s. Many happy returns to all.  Please keep Dave Bradley in prayer as he travels to be with his daughter and new grandchild, born this morning!

May the weekend bring you rest and recuperation.

Yours in Christ,
