Dear Caldwell,
Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of teaching a workshop at a denominational youth conference. The workshop was titled “Radical Hospitality and the Future of the Church.” It was my honor to show the short film about the Caldwell resurrection (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYDnVaveFPk&feature=player_embedded) and “unpack” the story of your church for what it might say about a way forward for our denomination. Well, the “resurrection” of your church stepped up notably last Sunday when 11 new members joined the church family. What a way to start 2013! Welcome to each of them. We’re glad you’ve joined our walk together in Christ.

Then on Monday Buildings and Grounds Chair Tom Bohr made quite another discovery. It seems our bell has slipped off its brace. No worries – it’s resting comfortably and safely in the tower, until we can find a way to make it ring again. Tom researched our bell and you can read more about it under the picture.
Sometimes as people of God we can’t let our “bell” remain silent. Sometimes, we have to speak up and speak out. I happen to think we are in such a time, a moment when our baptism calls us to act. On Sunday, when we remember Jesus’ baptism, I will say more, preaching from Ephesians 3:1-12 and Luke 3:15-17, 21-22.
At 9:45 a.m. Sunday, our Adult Sunday school class presses forward with a new study about what the Gospel of Luke has to say about our responsibilities for the poor among us. Caldwell House breakfast prep starts at 7, to be served at 8:30. We also will welcome two new members of our ministry team: Liz Wagner, who began this week as Assistant to the Pastor for Congregational Care, and a new intern, Phanta Lansden.
Come Sunday – to greet our newest members and new ministry teammates, to remember your baptism and to give thanks and praise to God. See you there.
In Christ,