On Sunday, we paused to think about all the ways God works with God’s people when they are “on the move.” Sometimes with comfort, sometimes discomfort. Sometimes with clarity, other times asking the people to rely on their faith. Sometimes through great leaders like Moses, sometimes through reluctant prophets. But always, always God goes ahead and provides what the people of faith need, even when they don’t know what that is.
We are thinking about how all that applies to us as a congregation, as we take time to count our blessings and pray over our commitments of time, talent and treasure in 2015. On Sunday, I asked that we do all we can to “give God a raise” with our pledges – giving God more of ourselves, our gifts and abilities, our courage and conviction, our prayer and devotion … and our financial resources. We had a grand time at the Discipleship Luncheon after worship, where many of you picked up your discipleship packets. For those who were not at the luncheon, you will receive your packet today or tomorrow in the mail. (If you don’t, please call Sally in the church office at 704-334-0825.)
She’s right, and that’s just one kind of movement our God may present for us as our calling. While we continue to open ourselves up to God’s guidance, please take time with your Discipleship 2014-2015 packet and consider how you might “give God a raise” with what you have to offer. Watch for Caldwell This Week on Friday with some exciting news about how we will worship “on the move” Sunday here at the corner of Park and 5th.
If you would like to get a flavor of some of our immigrant ministries, feel free to join La Casita de Amor Friday morning in Belk for Bible Study. Later at 2, you could also sit in with the members of the Charlotte Compassion Action Network, which is focused on helping the children from South and Central America seeking refugee status in America. That meeting is also in Belk
A final word: Please continue to pray for John Crowell, as he leaves Thursday for brain surgery in Maryland; for Jane Wallwork, her niece and sister; for Michael Wingate, facing surgery; for Ryan and Christine Kingston; and, for other members and members’ loved ones facing health and other challenges.
In Christ,