A Difficult Day

Dear Caldwell,

Today has been a difficult day for many. Worship is the center of our lives as people of God. In worship, our music experience is deeply cherished as a definging and essential part of our time together on Sunday mornings. For many members of our adult choir, those who give us that gift each week, it has been a day of surprise, hurt and, as one person said, the beginnings of grieving.

We are left with two truths at the end of the day: First, Thomas Moore is loved here for his spirit and his remarkable talent in working with adult voices. Second, your session has made an excruciating decision, one that comes after dozens of hours over the course of months to discern what is best for the church in the long run.

Some may disagree with the decision but there is no disagreeing that it was made after intense prayer and appeal  to our Creator for guidance amid many complex issues, trade-offs, interests and emotions. As we prepare to rest tonight, we can hold in our hearts both of these truths – our love and appreciation of Thomas Moore and the excruciating difficulty of this decision – and we can pray for healing, understanding and clarity about our way forward, together, as the body of Christ. 

Tomorrow, Christ the King Sunday, we will come together on another Lord’s Day, uniting as citizens of the kingdom of God, who reigns over all things. After worship and a brief congregational meeting, we will have the chance to gather in the Fellowship Hall (where there will be sandwiches) for a chance to talk about this time in our life together in the service of our Lord.

Yours in Christ,
