Dear Caldwell,
Sunday was a big win for the kingdom of God on earth, if not the Falcons.
We had a great turnout for the Souper Bowl of Caring lunch hosted by our youth. Its benefits will go to fight hunger locally through the Crisis Assistance Ministry. More details on that to come. Thanks to all who came and to our youth and their adult leaders!
We also welcomed 5 (and a half) new members (see photo and caption above). Mark your calendar for the Newcomers lunch after worship Sunday, where you can get to know our newest sisters and brothers in Christ (and deepen relationships with others) over lunch at Hawthorne’s Pizza. Also, on Feb. 26, we will begin a new “Caldwell 101” class series for all newcomers and others who want to learn about the life and ministry of this congregation, what it means to be Presbyterian and more. It will meet before worship.
Please lift up members Elaine Hultman and Zoraida Stewart, both of whom are headed into surgery early tomorrow. We are also lifting up in prayer Patrick and Lisa Raymaker in support of Patrick and his mother, who is seriously ill.
In Christ,