Dear Caldwell,
We are all seeing, hearing and reading a lot about the coronavirus. According to all of the official sources, it poses a real threat and is likely to expand before it subsides. That said, it’s vitally important that we react with calm and reasoned preparations and actions. Each year, all of us are exposed to the flu, which annually takes thousands of lives in the U.S alone. So let’s be smart and safe.
The greatest risk of spreading the virus is by touch. When we gather, whether on Sunday mornings or in other ways as the Caldwell community, let’s keep that top of mind. When you come to worship Sunday, ushers will offer hand cleanser in the narthex. Hand cleanser will be readily available throughout the sanctuary.
When we pass the peace, let’s be considerate of those who may wish not to touch others or be touched. A safe alternative would be to offer a gesture in the form of praying hands or put our arms across our chest as a visual reminder to avoid a hug, hand-shaking or other touch. Sneezing and coughing should be covered, preferably by sneezing into your elbow.
We will continue to monitor the virus and what experts advise in the coming days and weeks.
To read more, here is a longer communication from the PCUSA.
Please let me know if you have any thoughts.
In Christ,