Dear Caldwell,
We arrive Sunday at the third “Great End” of the church, the “maintenance of divine worship.” As with some of the other “Great Ends,” its language doesn’t serve it well, at least to our modern ears. We think of ‘maintenance’ and things like cars and washing machines come to mind, somewhat dull and uninviting chores at best. But what its language meant 150 years ago was that worship is the one thing that a church is charged to carry on, to guard, to cherish, to be a steward of and to celebrate. On Sunday, Associate Pastor Evie Landrau will lead us in thinking about the role worship plays in our lives – not just here in church, but in our entire lives. We will have a few special features of worship, just to do this Great End full justice.
At the close of worship, we will hold a brief congregational meeting. Our purpose is to elect three people to serve along side two current elders to form an Elder Nominating Committee. This committee will then meet a few times over the next 60 days or so to seek God’s guidance in finding four names to serve as the incoming class of elders in January 2014. Please obtain permission of anyone you would like to suggest for the Elder Nominating Committee.
We have another unique treat Sunday. Zach Thomas lends his talents to us on a regular basis as songwriter and performer, chronicling the “new thing” we continue to experience here. Combined, his songs are like a musical photo album of our life together, with each other and with God. He and Sally have demonstrated such deep generosity as to provide copies for everyone of a new CD they and others have produced. We will celebrate with Zach after church in our fellowship, which he and Sally are hosting. Come and celebrate this great accomplishment and walk away with a little bit of Caldwell and Zach for your car and home listening!
Also, this Sunday kicks off our re-enlivened youth programming. Middle schoolers, who dubbed themselves “The Seekers,” meet at 10 a.m. and high schoolers meet in “The Orchard” here Sunday night at 6.
And … Anne Hunter Eidson leads another gathering Sunday at 6 pm. All are invited as she leads us in conversation and singing that looks at the history and meaning behind both our gospel music and some of the hymns in the new PCUSA hymnal, which debuts next month.
The life of our busy little church …. Thanks be to God.
In Christ,