Any Thoughts for the Session?

Dear Caldwell,

I pray this finds you in the sure knowledge of God’s love and care. In addition to loving us, God blesses us with much to do at Caldwell – and I would like to ask a favor on behalf of the session.

Please come for lunch after worship Sunday as we update everyone on the "early returns" toward our Capital Campaign goal and hand our everyone's pledge packets. Lunch is free - just bring your joy and energy!
Please come for lunch after worship Sunday as we update everyone on the “early returns” toward our Capital Campaign goal for affordable housing and launch the pledge campaign. Lunch is free – just bring your joy and energy! If you can’t stay for lunch, be sure to pick up your pledge packet before or after worship.

As you know, our “4H Dreams” are coming true, as scripture says, “more than we could ever ask or imagine.” The sanctuary capital repairs are underway, plans for the community hall are moving forward and we are working hard to bring affordable housing to Caldwell. What’s more, in less than a month our second class of college-aged  Gambrell “Hope” Social Justice Scholars report for duty.

With all of this comes amazing possibilities, but we also need to anticipate change and, maybe, some unintended consequences. On May 10 and 11, the session will take time to think, pray and discuss how we as a congregation can stay grounded in what is most important amidst the swirl of the next few years.

Just some of what will happen over the next 2-3 years:

  • We will move May 19 to Belk Hall for 8 weeks or so during sanctuary repairs.
  • We will wrestle with big decisions about how the affordable housing dream will impact the campus.
  • We will tear down Belk and build its successor.
  • We will consolidate programming space in the interim.

Here’s the request:

First, we ask for your prayers for the session as it works so hard on all of this and much more. Second, we invite your ideas and good thinking:

  • What is most essential about Caldwell that the elders should look to as anchors of our faith identity, mission and culture?
  • What are some potential risks or unintended consequences that might pop up amidst the swirl?
  • What can the session do to help lead us as a congregation through the swirl and into “the promised land” when the construction dust clears and we move into new spaces and welcome new neighbors?

We won’t be able to think of everything – and we certainly won’t be able to solve EVERY potential problem, at least in the few hours we are on retreat.

But we invite your collective wisdom – and your ongoing prayers in these thrilling times for this old church that is living out Easter hope.

Email me here and I will guarantee the session sees everyone’s thoughts, ideas, concerns or questions. You can also post your questions over on our Facebook Caldwell Conversations page.

Either way, we will boldly and faithfully live into all that God has in store.

In Christ, John