Dear Caldwell,
What does it mean for a person of faith to ‘bear witness?’ What does it require of the witness, who presumably has seen something and is called on to testify to the truth as they see it?
Acts 4 gives us a powerful story of witness, a word that has particular meaning in the book of Acts. This story comes just after the one we considered last week, Pentecost Sunday, in which the Holy Spirit came and church broke out. However, as that story continues, we find that we worship God in multiple ways, including how we witness to what we know to be true from the Gospel.
This will be just one of the components of our time together tomorrow, which is Trinity Sunday. We will sing to the strains of our old pipe organ, hear one of our most favorite gospel anthems and celebrate the ‘commencement’ of our young people.
Caldwell House breakfast at 8:30 a.m. Adult bible study at 9:45.
We will catch up then. Enjoy this beautiful day.
In Christ,