Beginnings and Endings

alpha-omegaDear Caldwell,

“I am the Alpha and Omega … the beginning and the end.”

Advent is a time of beginnings and endings. Advent begins a new liturgical year for the Church, a time of hope and expectation that fills our hearts with possibilities and promises for another season together in the service of the Lord. Alongside our life in the church, the popular media will soon begin to mark the end of the calendar year 2016.

As people of hope, we live in the tension of these beginnings and endings, seeking the face of God as a light on our path always. As one old prayer offers: “Grant that we may neither be too much lost in regrets for the past or dreams for the future, but grant that we may do with our might that which lies to our hand . . . .”

Over its 104 year history, Caldwell has been part of many new beginnings and endings. This weekend, we mark an important one. The particular beginning in this event occurred Nov. 11, 1945 when Caldwell helped organize the Seigle Avenue Presbyterian Church under a “chapel minister” paid for by the Caldwell congregation.

The related “ending” comes this Sunday at 2 p.m., when the Seigle congregation will  hold its final service at its long-time location, 600 Seigle Ave., a building many here helped make possible. In between those dates, of course, the lives of the two congregations have crossed and intersected many times, including the vital role many former members from Seigle played in renewing the life and ministry of Caldwell in 2006 and 2007.

All are invited by the Rev. Flo Watkins to Sunday’s “new beginnings” service, a chance to bring healthy and holy closure to this portion of our relationship between these two churches. That congregation then moves to hold its services on the campus of Johnson C. Smith University under the name, “The Avenue.”


Meanwhile, as Advent continues, I hope you have marked your calendar for “The Spirit of Christmas” music service Sunday at 5:30 at St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church, our new partner congregation. The Caldwell and St. Luke choirs will lift their voices in the gospel tradition as we prepare the way of the Lord. No doubt, they will lift our spirits as well.

Financially, in our dedication of our means to God’s use and glory, this is also a time when church members round out their 2016 pledges, so that we start 2017 on a healthy note. We also hope those who have yet to make their “leap of faith” for 2017 will join in the ministries in the new year with a pledge, which they can make online here.

Finally, don’t forget the Christmas breakfast this Sunday in Belk Hall at 9:45, a chance to share warmth and cheer. Bring a casserole if you can, but come under any circumstances!

It will be a busy – and blessed – Fourth Sunday in Advent.

In Christ,