Commitments of Joy and Generosity

Dear Caldwell,

May the Lord be with you there.

This Sunday is our Celebration Sunday. We conclude our Discipleship season by gathering everyone’s pledges of time, talent and treasure and dedicating them and ourselves to our Lord, the giver of every good and perfect gift.

In the last month, we’ve spent a fair amount of time with a little congregation from Macedonia 2,000 years ago. I think they were a lot like Caldwell. Smallish and strong in spirit, feisty and focused on serving others rather than themselves, determined and dedicated to the Jesus Way of selfless service, even sacrifice. They gave with joy and generosity.

That same spirit reigns here, thanks be to God. As you (and your family) finalize your pledge cards this week, “may the Lord be with you there,” affirming your sense of call to ministry and discipleship in all its forms and “provoking you to love and good deeds.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)

On Sunday, I “provoked” you all to consider two questions:

1. How much do you need?

2. What is left over to share?

Pray over those questions and, whatever you are able to give, come Sunday with pledges in hand for a joy-filled celebration of the generosity of this congregation.

Yours In Christ,
