
Credo 3Dear Caldwell,

Credo 1Sometimes, as we begin the Affirmation of Faith in worship, I ask from the lectern, “Sisters and brothers, what do you believe …?” What usually follows is a written statement, old or new, that is an expression, a claim of belief. We call these “creeds” which comes from the Latin word credo,  for “I believe.”

We affirm our faith in worship in NOT as some kind of doctrinal requirement.  Sometimes we may not absolutely believe every syllable of an old or new creed that is printed in the bulletin. I think of our affirmations of faith in worship as exercises of our faith, to stretch, form and inform what we believe.

Credo 2We also know from the research about the growing number of “nones” that strict adherence to, and imposition of, ancient creeds has done much to hurt organized religion. When creeds become some kind of required “union” or membership card, they exclude more than they include. It’s equally true that many have walked away from organized religion after seeing members claim one thing in church and then act quite differently when they are out of the sanctuary.

On Sunday, our youth wanted to know what you believe, what your “credo” statements are, and you responded beautifully. On blank pages provided in your bulletin, you wrote of God’s love, mercy and acceptance, Christ’s life, teachings and life-giving death, of the power of the Holy Spirit and of the human condition. Some written responses were just a few words; others were carefully constructed statements. Your staff was fed by them as we read them in our weekly staff meeting. They will be collected, bound and made available in the Prayer Room for your use and nurture. Thanks to each of you who shared your “credo.”

Part of what “we believe” at Caldwell is that we need to be in deeper relationship with all of neighbors. We have the chance tonight at 6:30 to worship with Casita de Amor in the sanctuary. Come and join in the “language of your heart” and take part in the fellowship afterward. Think of it as a different kind of Cinco de Mayo celebration.

We also believe that we are to be the hands and feet of Christ, with a particular focus on justice and on helping those on the margins. To that end, we are doing a deep review of all of our Missions and Justice ministries. This comes 7 years after we set up the initial framework for outreach, a good interval to look afresh at our work in the world. All are invited to participate in the discussion Thursday night at 6:30 in the Shelby Room.

Finally, we also believe in a little enJOYment, as you demonstrated at the Caldwell Celebrates Dance last month. We owe great thanks to the organizers, the bands and those who sold tickets. Chief Dance Leader Jill Flynn reports that the dance provided $6,865 for the church budget after expenses, well exceeding our goal. Immense thanks to Jill for leading ticket sales, Molly Griffin for leading the silent auction and to the entuire team!

Look for news in Friday’s Caldwell This Week.

Meanwhile, spread God’s love.

In Christ,
