Dear Caldwell,
Let me begin with the good news. Yesterday, the local Salvation Army board of directors voted to keep Caldwell House open through the end of 2013. This reverses what had been the plan to close at the end of March. While we all are working toward a time when Charlotte doesn’t need emergency homeless shelters, this decision recognizes that we are not there yet.
I know I speak for many of you in saying that Caldwell House has become a formative part of life at Caldwell and an excellent missional use of our ample campus space. Many of us have learned from Caldwell House, and other campus ministries, how we are changed when we extend hospitality to those in need.
On Sunday, we will look at a story about how Jesus got caught up in helping some friends extend hospitality. The story of the wedding at Cana (John 2) comes almost joltingly early in the Fourth Gospel. Its meanings aren’t obvious. When we unpack it, however, I think we are the ones who get an unexpected gift from this wedding. In Sunday school, we continue with a study on what the Gospel of Luke says about our obligation to care for the poor. Caldwell House breakfast: prep at 7, served at 8:30. Devotions with the women around 9.
Monday is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in the life of our nation and you can pause to think deeply about our pursuit of King’s dream here at Caldwell. At noon, we will host a service in connection with the employees of Presbyterian Hospital. The service will include a powerful “choreopoem” that is sure to stir thoughts and emotions. The service will be followed by a light lunch and discussion time.
Other upcoming events:
Jan. 27 – Congregational meeting to review the 2013 church budget.
Feb. 3 – Our Youth will once again lead us in learning more about hunger in Charlotte and how we can help through the Souper Bowl of Caring.
Good weather is expected this weekend. Get out in it and be restored. See you Sunday.
In Christ,