Dear Caldwell,
What a joyous day Sunday was for so many reasons. The overwhelmingly positive reaction to the hymn sing worship service signals that it will take its place in our annual worship planning ! Congratulations and deep thanks to those who planned and helped us praise through it. Congratulations and deep thanks also to our newly elected elders: Kim Bohannon, Caroline Lublinkhof, Wilma Petty, Alex Smythers and Yvette Wilson. And, we can even be joyful that nothing was stolen out of the two cars that were “snooped” while we worshipped. The police ask me to remind you to lock up every Sunday!
I want to remind you of two Thanksgiving worship services this week:
* Tonight at 7 at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, believers of all faiths will gather for the Mecklenburg Ministries Interfaith service, always a moving and uplifting experience.
*Wednesday at 7 p.m. Caldwellians are invited to join others in the Elizabeth Communities of Faith for the annual neighborhood joint service at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church. Rev. Andrew Brown of Hawthorne Lane United Methodist will preach and communion will be celebrated.
Another wonderful way we can “set our hearts” on our Creator is the new yoga practice which continues tonight at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall, led by Donna Marcotte. Come and stretch and commune with others and our God.
Is there economic justice in Twinkies? I commend to you this interesting column by Paul Krugman from today’s Observer for what it reminds us about America worked in another era:
As many of our church family prepare to spend time with the friends and families, let me also express my profound joy and thanks-giving for you, the people of this congregation and the honor I have of serving as a pastor here. I close with these verses from a prayer of thanks written by Caldwell House neighbor and sister Daisy Oatman:
Thank you Lord for taking the blinders off
So I could see the truth.
Thank you for the urge to seek change.
As I longed for redemption, Lord,
You heard my cry; and I thank you.
Now I’m forgiven – and have “restored peace.”
Thank you again Lord.
I pray for strength and continued grace
As I commit to seek your will for me.
Thank you for your omniscience and omnipotence.
Henceforth and forevermore.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Happy Thanksgiving in Christ,