It’s been fun to find ourselves over and over again in the ancient story told in Exodus of the Israelites’ liberation and journey to the promised land. It is, most of all, the story of a God who frees and provides for all.
This week, that story intersects nicely with our own consideration of how we respond to God’s provision and abundant blessings by returning to God some of our abundance, our financial resources as well as our time and talent for God’s use.
In Exodus, God instructs Moses to accept an offering from all whose heart prompts them to give. Funny how the idea of our hearts keeps showing up again and again in relation to our giving back to God. It is indeed more a matter of the heart, rather than the head, in why we decide to help others by giving to Caldwell.
Our entire church community is taking these days to consider our financial pledges to the church for 2020. Pledges are coming in already. You can make your confidential pledge by clicking here or you can return the pledge card you should have received in the mail by now anytime but no later than Oct. 27.
God’s abundance is in such clear view here with all we have, all we mean to each other, what having Caldwell means in our hearts and all that we can do through the church for the wounded and the hurting, the oppressed and the marginalized in our city.
As for Exodus, we will cover chapters 19-40 this week. In this part of the story, God gives Moses the Ten Commandments and other rules for how God’s people are to live together in peace and mutual support. Then, and God instructs the Israelites in how to build a tabernacle, where God promises to dwell. See if you can find the reference to giving with prompt hearts, which I will preach from Sunday.
A few opportunities to serve God this week:
- You can join in with other Caldwell folk and our friends at QC Family Tree for a community meal Friday night at 5:30. Bring a salad or dessert and enjoy Randy Hood’s delicious cooking for the main course. At 2910 Parkway Ave, QC is an urban ministry in Enderly Park in support and solidarity with the low-income neighbors living there. Read about it here.
- You can still walk in the Charlotte Crop Walk this Sunday to end hunger, or support a walker. Click here to donate.
The stars of The Ugly Duckling, a child’s opera, playing in Belk Hall Saturday at 11 a.m. For families and children, Opera Express will perform a 35-minute touring production of The Ugly Duckling in our own Belk Hall. Free and open. Saturday at 11 a.m. This is their return gift to say thanks for allowing them to rehearse in Caldwell space.
Watch for more in Caldwell This Week on Friday.
In Christ,