Dear Caldwell,
I suppose I could start just about any of my blog entries with that phrase in the title, taken from Isaiah 40. There is always so much going on here at Caldwell. It’s hard to keep up with the reporting of everything. So, on just about any day, we could say to each other, “Have you not heard ….?” But Isaiah wasn’t referring to simple church comings and goings, committee meetings or prayer requests. He was really saying, “How could you forget?” As in, “How could you forget that your God will never abandon you?” On Sunday, we will take a deeper look at Isaiah’s words to Israel at a moment of their forgetfulness.
Other happenings on Sunday:
* In worship, we will incorporate some new elements in recognition that February is Black Heritage Month. We will also celebrate communon.
* Breakfast with our neighbors at Caldwell House: Prep at 7, breakfast at 8:30 a.m.
* You can bring a can or two of vegetables, a little extra change or cash and join the Caldwell youth as they fight hunger. Before worship, drop your vegetables (or other ready-to-cook soup ingredients) off in the Fellowship Hall. Come back after worship and experience the miracle of a “stone soup” lunch. Also, as you leave worship, you will have the chance to contribute any lose change or bills to the youths’ Souper Bowl of Caring fund-raising effort. Monies raised will be used to provide breakfasts for the women of Caldwell House.
* Adult Sunday School will begin a study of the Lord’s Prayer using a book by Father John Dominic Crossan: The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord’s Prayer.
* After worship, the session will meet to receive new members.
On a final note, please be aware that the church has installed a new phone system that involves some new prompts and call routing options. Don’t be surprised if the answer sounds a bit different.
I hope you can get out and enjoy some of this beautiful weather before the rains come. See you Sunday.
In Christ,