Dear Caldwell,
It is good to be home now – with my family tonight and with our church family tomorrow.
As a congregation, we have all now had a day to process yesterday’s session announcement about the decision to not renew Rev. Evie’s annual contract. While the session has struggled for months to reach this very difficult conclusion, through fervent prayer, tears, concern, along with a profound sense of responsibility, for the church, we realize this news takes time to fully digest emotionally and otherwise.
We are all deeply fond of Evie and equally appreciative of her particular gifts for ministry. We are experiencing a range of emotions, each in own way, after what has already been an emotional 10 days of shock, grieving and concern for our nation in the wake of the massacre in Charleston. At the same time, many celebrate the Supreme Court’s decision on marriage equality as an historic victory for our LGBT sisters and brothers.
So, in the midst of all of this, we gather tomorrow to worship and be together. It is the Lord’s Day. We will gather for Sunday school and worship. After worship (following refreshments), all interested can attend a town hall discussion in the sanctuary where the session will honor people’s reactions and answer what questions it can. Child care – peanut butter sandwiches and a craft – will be available in the Fellowship Hall.
In my sermon, you will hear me say that, as people of the covenant, just as with the children of Israel, “we belong to God and we belong to each other.” We gather tomorrow under the same umbrella of God’s grace as prayed for by President Obama yesterday to seek to live into those words.
Yours in Christ,