Dear Caldwell,
We are dwelling in a time of great joy as a faith community these days, aren’t we? The Gambrell Social Justice Interns spread hope throughout the summer by sharing themselves in so many ways at Caldwell and at their places of service. To top it all off, they left us with a big dose of inspiration (as well as a few tears) Sunday as they led in worship and said goodbye.
Their sermon reflections last Sunday were not stories of sunshine and roses. Elea, Steff, Cam, Nate and Bailey let us in on struggles, tough questions, and times of hopelessness alongside stories of goodness. The honesty of these reflections made all the difference. Their guiding scripture, Luke 6:46-49, reminds us that storms and floods will inevitably come our way. A strong foundation is necessary, not just for houses, but for our lives. That foundation, Jesus said, consists of both faith and action.
Which of these two is easier for you during this particular season of your life: faith or action? Most of us naturally lean toward one or the other most of the time, but we are called to blend them together. We’re told that faith without action is dead, and actions without faith are dry and lead to burnout and disillusionment.
Let’s challenge ourselves this week to join the interns in honest reflection. Are our actions fed and nurtured by faith, or do we find ourselves worn out with worry and fear? Is our faith leading to action, or do we find ourselves stagnant, thinking about action more than doing that which our faith reveals is necessary and true?
The good news is this: There are many opportunities here at (and beyond) Caldwell to nurture faith and to act out that faith. Worship is central to weave it all together. And you know I can’t resist mentioning that many of our songs address faith, action, and their powerful combination! ♫
Speaking of worship, joy will surely overflow once again this Sunday as our worship service moves back to the renovated sanctuary. “Flip Flop Sundays” have been lively and a fun change of pace (who knew Manley Roberts has so many Hawaiian shirts?), but I’m guessing the sanctuary will be a welcomed sight. It has a strong sense of “place,” reminding us of this church’s history, renewal, and future.
Rob Hammock will preach, using Psalm 107:1-9, 43 as scripture. He has some fresh interpretations of this Psalm that you will want to hear. Rev. Jeannette Hickman will take part in leading communion and we will be given “bread for the journey.”
If you can help with the move back into the sanctuary for any amount of time Saturday between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm, please let Eric Overcash know ( We will gather in Belk Hall first. There are jobs for everyone; mobility is not a requirement. Hope to see you then.
May the Lord be with you there!
P.S. Jeff Mitchiner & I get to make music with the children during Sunday School this week. Does this song (which we’ll include) bring back memories for any of you?