Lent Begins, We Depart

Jane McBride, Caldwell's unofficial artist in residence, has created this representation of our Lenten pilgrimage in the sanctuary. We "depart" with an Ash Wednesday Taize' service tonight at 6:15 p.m. (dinner at 5:30 in Belk Hall).
Jane McBride, Caldwell’s unofficial artist in residence, has created this representation of our Lenten pilgrimage in the sanctuary. We “depart” with an Ash Wednesday Taize’ service tonight at 6:15 p.m. (dinner at 5:30 in Belk Hall).

Sunday’s palms are Wednesdays ashes

As another Lent begins

Thus we kneel before our Maker

In contrition of our sins.


Dear Caldwell,

With the words of the hymn above, the Elizabeth Communities of Faith worshiped together at noon today, the first of our worship-and-soup-lunch gatherings at noon each Wednesday at neighboring St. John’s Baptist for the next six weeks.

Tonight at 6:15, we are invited to gather as the Caldwell family for a special Ash Wednesday Taize’ Worship service, preceded at 5:30 by our standing second Wednesday dinner together. Designed by Music Director Anne Hunter Eidson, this service will feature peaceful music for putting distance between the noise of the world and our desire to draw near to God. Then at 7, member Pat Adams, a spiritual director and writer, launches a conversation on spirituality for all interested. It will meet in the 24/7 Prayer Room in the front of the Price Building.

Thus, as I invited us all to do Sunday, we “depart without leaving,” setting course for the cross of Easter. Each is invited to mark these 40 days with a particular intention as they see fit, anything that facilitates authentic self-examination in light of God’s grace and forgiveness in Christ Jesus.

Hope to see you there.

In Christ,
