Lent Winds Down & “Alumni” News

Every four years, it's Caldwell's turn to host six weeks of lunch and worship on Wednesdays for our neighborhood congregations. This magnificent crew made it look easy - though LOTS of work was involved. After today's final service, the crew celebrated the fun of a job well done. THANK YOU!
Every four years, it’s Caldwell’s turn to host six weeks of lunch and worship on Wednesdays for our neighborhood congregations. This magnificent crew made it look easy – though LOTS of work was involved. After today’s final service, the crew celebrated the fun of a job well done. THANK YOU!

Dear Caldwell,

We wrapped up the Elizabeth Communities of Faith Lenten Wednesday worship series today and, as with Jesus, turned our face toward Jerusalem. Our time of reflection, of self-emptying, is drawing to a close and Holy Week is right around the corner.

Caldwell was blessed to walk with Sasha Strock until she moved to Minneapolis. John writes about our journey in opening Caldwell to God's trans children. Read the article in the Presbyterian Outlook here.
Caldwell was blessed to walk with Sasha Strock until she moved to Minneapolis. John writes about our journey in opening Caldwell to God’s trans children. Read the article in the Presbyterian Outlook here. Sasha plans to be in Charlotte and worship with us May 5 and 12!  

I’ve deeply appreciated your willingness to explore what it means to, first, examine ourselves and, then, seek to empty ourselves, as we read about Jesus in the Christ hymn in Philippians 2. You’ve take the journey seriously and, I hope, can reflect on how these last six weeks have changed you. I’d love to hear any of your thoughts on our theme of “Empty” as Lent ends on Saturday.

On Sunday morning, we step into Holy Week, joining with Jesus on what has been called his “Triumphal Entry” into Jerusalem. Holy Week always brings such mixed feelings for me: What was “triumphant” as he stepped into the city where he would die? How do we connect the joyous shouts of ‘Hosanna in the Highest” this Sunday with the profound cruelty of his treatment only days later?

In worship Sunday, I’ll take up those questions and others and asking, in effect, “What was God thinking?”  Scripture is John 12:12-19. The children will sing and we will look ahead to all that Holy Week will bring, including our rich Maundy Thursday service (mark your calendars).

I’m truly grateful to the troupe of volunteers who made it look easy as Caldwell hosted the Elizabeth Communities of Faith Wednesdays in worship. They demonstrated wonderful hospitality and dedication of self for the nurture of others. Thank you!

Look for Caldwell This Week later.

In Christ,
