Life Together and the Gift of Worship

Take a close look at these two photos - one of Caldwell's 100th Homecoming Luncheon and the other of the 50th.

Dear Caldwell,

What a glorious Centennial Homecoming weekend we had — through the hard work of so many volunteers/disciples who planned, set up, oversaw and cleaned up after  two amazing events. It was a Centennial Crescendo, a mountaintop experience for this old, resurrected church.

Here’s the best part – tomorrow we are given the gift of worship – again! I am reminded that worship together as the church is a gift today for a particular reason. With the flawless support and planning of Ann Alford (who coordinates wedding as her time and talent ministry), a couple was married today at Caldwell and I had the privilege of officiating. The bride walked down the aisle, literally emerging from the autumn afternoon sunlight that bathed the sanctuary. Both bride and groom shed tears of joy as they saw each other anew and began a new life together, truly overcome with the hope of their life together. Surely God smiled on this service of worship.

Tomorrow, on what we think of as the “Lord’s Day,” we will have our usual mix of worship, ministries and activities. It starts with the best breakfast in town with Caldwell House at 8:30 a.m. Adult Sunday school continues its study of the Phoenix Affirmations.

In worship, we continue our emphasis on discipleship. I will reveal some exciting news and we will think about how our use of money reflects the integrity of our faith. Several laypeople will help lead worship. The October edition of the Caldwell Good News! is out, with great coverage of the life of the church.

In pastoral news, Yvette Wilson is at home recovering from successful surgery. Lee Williams fell and broke her nose just as she was leaving town to live with her family but she is OK. Marilyn Rowland continues her recovery as well. We are keeping Rose Greenfield and family (Marrilyn, Scott and Rosabella) in prayer as well as the Marcotte family, after their loss of a 19-year old son and brother. We rejoice with Business and Operations Manager Leslie Gipple as she moves into her new condominium today (her first home)!

It is a glorious day outside (a great day for a wedding) and I hope that you have been able to enjoy it in your own way.

Let us gather together tomorrow.

In Christ,
