Dear Caldwell,

For all that has been said about Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., he was among so many things a brilliant communicator. As we focus on advancing his dream in our own time, I give thanks for his example in both writing and oratory, to say nothing of his strategic mind, unfailing courage, never-ending learning and, of course, his faith. I bet each of us can think of a metaphor or analogy he gave us that is almost as familiar to us as scripture.
Speaking of advancing the Dream, I’m excited to share news of a major event that is coming to Charlotte under the leadership of the city’s Presbyterian churches. The Privilege Institute (TPI) has existed for more than two decades to help educate people in all fields about white privilege – the fundamental truth that the U.S. was built in ways that advantage white people over people of color and has repeatedly defaulted to that norm in legal, legislative, business, economic, healthcare and almost every other realm of society. The conference equips participants in how to recognize it and how to dismantle it as called for in Isaiah’s prophecy of God’s call to justice in which “every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.” (verse 40.4, one of Dr. King’s favorites)
In March, the TPI brings its feature national conference, The White Privilege Conference, to Charlotte. It’s a major “win” for the city as the conference has never been this far south. The Charlotte Presbytery took the lead to make this happen about three years ago and a small leadership team has been working on the preparations ever since, including Caldwell’s Genie Richardson, Rev. Dr. Diane Mowrey and me.
For the first time, the conference will center the role of faith in both erecting and supporting systems and institutions of privilege and racial bias and, now, how people of faith can reverse the insidious effects. The Charlotte conference is titled, Wade in the Water: White Supremacy, Race, Religion and Reciprocity. With the support of the city’s elected officials and leaders in other realms, the conference will bring nationally recognized speakers and a range of workshops to the Charlotte Convention Center, March 9-12, 2022. Baring unforeseen circumstances, the conference will be in person, with online access to be added if needed. Normal attendance is about 2,000 people.
On Sunday, we will hear more from members of the Anti-Racism Council at Caldwell about how we can all get involved, to be followed with a dedicated meeting/online gathering in which Diane, Genie and I can answer questions about attendance and other roles you may want to play to support this needed dialogue. A key element is a parallel conference for students, high school and college, also at the convention center. Registration will open on Monday, the King Holiday, and I will share those links. For now, if interested, you can read more about TPI here and the Charlotte conference here.
Specifically, I am in charge of fundraising to support the conference through sponsorships that cover expenses and provide scholarships. Sponsorship levels range from $250 to $15,000. Through the ARCC and Mission and Justice, Caldwell has already stepped up with a leading sponsorship (THANK YOU). It’s a great cause for individuals, companies, organizations and I would be delighted to tell you more.
A Caldwell King Holiday Gathering
More immediately, Caldwell will gather online this Saturday to remember King’s dream and its roots in our faith. We’ll recognize in particular the impact of the 1965 Voting Rights Act (VRA), a turning point in the landscape of civic participation in our nation and an essential in a democratic society that is under attack. Have a connection to the 1965 VRA? Love to vote? Want to help with the program? Please reach out to Helen Hull at or 704-806-1410. Click here to join the celebration on Saturday, January 15th at 10 am. Or use this information to call in – 929 205 6099. Meeting ID: 896 2125 6200. Passcode: 589835.
In the Meantime, Let’s Chat and Chew the Fat
Anne and Gail invite you to join on Zoom at 7 pm again this Thursday as part of a series of unstructured, casual conversations. Between the our physical separation in the pandemic and the pressures of the world, to say nothing of potential coming storms, we’re providing this time in January to connect and enjoy getting to know each other, as if we were rocking on a porch. It will be light-hearted and fun! Click here to join. If needed, Meeting ID: 869 1791 4455, Passcode: 847239.
About That Weather (much less Covid)
As mother nature reminds us that it’s January, please know the church leadership and staff is monitoring the weather and will make a decision about in-person activities on Sunday, including worship, later this week. Either way, we will be online with the usual links.
So, as you can see, life is full and your Caldwell community of love and justice is always nearby. Let’s keep all of this, and our ailing members, in our prayers.
In Christ,