Living History: Boston Schools Integration, Take II

Some of the teens from Charlotte and Boston in the days of school desegregation.

Dear Caldwell,

Earlier this week, I wrote to you about the power of living history and, last Sunday, we heard John Crowell share his experience as part of a team of Charlotte teens who traveled to Boston to help with the integration of that city’s schools in the 1960s. Tomorrow, we have a chance to see and hear more of what that was like.

Thanks to Richard Campbell, he has recruited his friend Gregory McMurray, who was also a member of that team of teens. Gregory photographed that trip. We have set some of his shots up in the Shelby Room for viewing tomorrow during our fellowship time after worship. Gregory and John will be there to share more of the experience and explain some of the photographs. This will be an wonderful, added learning opportunity to remember those important days in the life of our nation and its cities.

See you tomorrow.

In Christ,
