Dear Caldwell,
One of the best questions I’ve learned to ask in almost all circumstances is “Where is God in this?” Just asking that simple questions makes us all theologians, those who seek an understanding of God and God’s activity in the world.
Today’s headlines include two stories that might prompt that question: The first is about a New York cop who selflessly bought a homeless man a pair of shoes, paying out of his own pocket. He found the homeless man shoe- and sock-less on the sidewalk in front of a shoe store, perhaps not coincidentally. A second story is about a Michigan family who won $240 million in the lottery. “Thank God we won,” exclaimed the mom.
Where is God in all of this? Is the Kingdom of God a place where a kind public servant buys a poor man a pair of shoes? Or is it a place where society cares for its poor so they don’t end up homeless and shoe-less and begging on the street? Is the Kingdom of God where one lucky family wins more money than they can ever use? Or is a place where society affords public services such as education without having to sanction government-sponsored gambling and all its ills?
This Sunday, we begin the Advent season and another journey to Bethlehem and the manger. We do so with a text from Luke (21:35-36) that begins declaring. “There will be signs” of the coming of the Kingdom, ushered into the world when God came in flesh in a manger. What signs is he talking about? Does the Kingdom look like the world we know or the upside-down world Jesus described and opened up? Come and let us work it out as we begin “An Upside-Down Advent.”
Also on Sunday:
* In worship, we will celebrate communion and welcome Parish Associate Rev. Diane Mowrey as liturgist.
* A congregational pot luck lunch will follow worship. Join in as we welcome Advent in fellowship and hear about a way to help make repairs to our old campus.
* Also after worship, the session will meet to receive new members. What better way to begin a new church year than by becoming a member of this part of the body of Christ?
* Sunday school will begin a new study of Advent devotions. Come and partake.
* At 6 p.m., young adults will gather for pizza, fellowship and discussion about ways to observe this Advent season.
* If nothing else, come and see the sanctuary, freshly repaired and painted for the first time in decades.
At risk of sounding like a nag, we still hope everyone can make some kind of pledge for 2013 of time, talent and treasure. Every pledge counts. What could matter more? Pledge cards will be available in the sanctuary if needed. Also, we wish Rev. Veronica Rogers well as she begins a two-week vacation from the church, grieve with intern Will Davis on the tragic loss of a close friend and continue to pray for Leslie Gipple as she recovers slowly but surely from pneumonia. Please keep my wife, Kelly, in mind as well as she recuperates from some sinus surgery.
Enjoy this weekend’s glorious weather. See you Sunday.
In Christ,