Dear Caldwell,
This Sunday, we will celebrate the New Year (the liturgical new year, that is) and we hope you will be a part of things!
Congregational Lunch: Immediately after worship, there will be a congregational pot luck lunch in the Fellowship Hall. This will be our Advent gathering this year and we will take the opportunity to learn about Caldwell’s ongoing Mortar for Mission Capital Campaign to make repairs to our campus. Bring a dish and join in.
Calling Young Adults: Young adults will gather again on Sunday at 6 pm for fellowship and some Advent-directed study and dialogue. If you are on Facebook, details are here http://www.facebook.com/events/223763564422385/. Please join the FB group.
Invitation to Join Caldwell: This Sunday will be the final session meeting of the year to receive new members. What better way to start a new church year than to become a member of this remarkable experiment in faith exploration that is Caldwell? We would love to conclude the (chronological) calendar year with a great new group of new members. Call or write to me (Pastor@caldwellpresby.org) if you have any questions or just come to the brief meeting after worship as you are!
I will be back in touch later this week. May the Lord be with you there.
In Christ.