Meet the New Interns!

Dear Caldwell,

We are truly blessed with two wonderful interns who specifically sought a chance to be on the Caldwell team this summer, starting today! Amy Speas and Kristen Roehrig both bring rich experience – in life and in church – and a specific desire to walk with you in your witness to the city and to each other.

Ever since our first intern arrived in 2009 (who later became The Rev. Veronica Rogers), one of God’s most persistent callings for Caldwell has been to serve as a teaching congregation, church and campus.  Amy and Kristen bring our total in 10 years to 14 interns (I think). I’m sure they have as much to teach us as we have to share. They already are diving in to support a range of ministries.

They introduce themselves below – please introduce yourselves to them, too.

Two quick things: If you are on the Caldwell Conversations Facebook page, why not wish member Janie Louns Happy Birthday as she turns 87 this week? Also, have you signed up for the Habitat for Humanity Build on June 3? Contact  Sheena Bossie


Kristen Roehrig

My name is Kristen Roehrig and I’m one of the new interns at Caldwell for the summer. I was born and raised in Charlotte and my home church is Covenant Presbyterian. I am a rising junior at UNC Chapel Hill majoring in Religion and Spanish and minoring in education.

During the school year in Chapel Hill I am involved with Presbyterian Campus Ministry and I intern with University Presbyterian Church. I’m really looking forward to my summer at Caldwell and getting to know everyone in the congregation! Among other things, I’ll be working with youth and children, Summer Nights at Caldwell, and Missions and Justice. You can reach me at


Amy Speas


Hello, my name is Amy Speas. In the fall, will enter my final year at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA pursuing a Master of Divinity.  After my formative years in Roanoke, Virginia, I earned a Business degree at Wake Forest University, and then moved to Greensboro for most of my adult life.  I worked at BB&T for 15 years followed by two at a small consulting company.  I spent the next 12 years consulting with corporations on their retirement plans, working with companies to improve their 401(k) and pension plans.  Since transitioning to seminary, I’ve recognized a deeply held passion for intercultural ministry. I now live in Decatur with two women from Korea and one from India in an intentional effort to learn from each other’s cultures.  My passion extends outside of the United States with a recent internship in South Africa, a trip to Ghana, and another trip to Ghana scheduled this summer.  I’m excited to intern at Caldwell this summer to share my gifts and learn more about intercultural ministry. Some of my areas of focus will be Discovery and Engagement, Summer Nights at Caldwell, teaching and pastoral care. You can reach me at