![Caldwell Has A Youth Director! Acting on what the session prioritized as Caldwell's next staffing need, Caldwell has launched the new part-time position of Faith and Family Coordinator. This 10-hour a week position will sustain the great momentum and growth in our our ministries to our 50+ children and youth. We begin the position with a four-month contract with someone who knows the work inside and out, Caroline Cheek Lublinkhof. As a member of the session, she has worked energetically to help build our youth offerings, partnering with Jamie Hofmesiter Cline and others. To take this position, Caroline has resigned from session to ensure role clarity and good governance. Caldwell has a general rule against hiring members. However, Caroline and husband Joe will leave Charlotte and Caldwell in August to move to New York, where Caroline will enter graduate school. The session hired Caroline to capture her knowledge of what is involved in the job, to structure the role for its next occupant and to bring immediate relief and support to the many volunteers who teach our kids, from the nursery to sending them off to college. Please welcome Caroline to this role and feel free to offer her your feedback ... and help! What a blessing that Caldwell's youth ministries now warrant this kind of talent and attention!](http://www.caldwellpresby.org/pastorsblog/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Caroline-L.jpg)
Acting on what the session prioritized as Caldwell’s next staffing need, Caldwell has launched the new part-time position of Faith and Family Coordinator. This 10-hour a week position will sustain the great momentum and growth in our our ministries to our 50+ children and youth.
We begin the position with a four-month contract with someone who knows the work inside and out, Caroline Cheek Lublinkhof. As a member of the session, she has worked energetically to help build our youth offerings, partnering with Jamie and Sarah Hofmesiter Cline and others.
Caroline has resigned from session to ensure role clarity and good governance. Caldwell has a general rule against hiring members. However, Caroline and husband Joe will leave Charlotte and Caldwell in August to move to New York, where Caroline will enter graduate school. The session hired Caroline to capture her knowledge of what is involved in the job, to structure the role for its next occupant and to bring immediate relief and support to the many volunteers who teach our kids, from the nursery to sending them off to college.
Please welcome Caroline to this role and feel free to offer her your feedback … and help! What a blessing that Caldwell’s youth ministries now warrant this kind of talent and attention!
Dear Caldwell,
Have you come to the Caldwell family in the last year? Wonder where Presbyterianism came from and, more important, where it’s going? Questions about what’s behind our patterns of worship? Want to know more about Caldwell’s history, resurrection and tour the campus? Looking for your place in ministry here? Want to know what predestination really means (and what it doesn’t)?
These and other topics will be on the menu for a Newcomers Class series that begins this Sunday and runs for six weeks. It’s a great chance to learn more about life at Caldwell and to get to know others who practice their faith here as well as your pastors. The class is led by Pastors John and Evie, our Parish Associate Rev. Dr. Diane Mowrey and members of the session.
We begin this Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in the Upper Room above the Shelby Room, up the stairs near the main office door (please note this is a location change from the Fellowship Hall). If for some reason you can’t begin this Sunday, feel free to come on any of the next five Sundays.
We hope to see all newcomers/new members of any tenure, anyone whose looking for good fellowship and conversation. Feel free to bring a friend or neighbor whom you think might like Caldwell.
In Christ,