Dear Caldwell,
Last week, as the Advent season of preparing for Christ began, we began to read the Jesus story through Luke’s eyes, being “on alert” for signs of the Kingdom of God, which so often looks upside-down from the world we see every day. We continue with Luke this Sunday and his account of John the Baptist.
In Luke 3:1-6, John the Baptist quotes the prophet Isaiah and, together, these texts give us the sweep of the Bible’s story of God’s unwavering promise to us. But … John also has a particular message for us in the season of joy and hope. We have an “assignment” that comes before the rest of the busy-ness of the season. Come and hear.
Sunday brings other opportunities: Adult Sunday school continues a new study of Advent devotions (9:45 a.m. Shelby Room); Caldwell House Breakfast (7 a.m. prep starts, 8:30 served); Young Adults will gather for fellowship and Advent discussion (6 p.m. Shelby Room).
Please mark your calendars for two other Advent services next week:
* Dec. 13 at 7 p.m.: Our second annual Blue Christmas Service provides an opportunity to go to our Lord acknowledging that not everything about the holidays is joyous.
* Dec. 15, gathering at 4:30 p.m.: Our first La Posada Celebration with Bilingual Preschool families gives us a chance to share in a meaningful part of the Latino tradition in the season.
Finally, if you would like to help decorate the church for the season, a team will assemble in the sanctuary tomorrow (Saturday) at 10 a.m. Come and join the fun. Many hands make quick work.
See you Sunday.
In Christ,