Tomorrow is an exciting day for our church family.
In an amazing, one-week transformation of our worship space, the tattered, old red carpet and seat cushions that served generations of worshippers are now gone. Tomorrow, in worship we will give special thanks for yet another sign of renewal here – this time, in the form of a new look and feel (with new pew cushions, literally) that breathes new life into our beautiful old sanctuary.
Come and see ….
In worship, we will focus on the role of loss and grieving in our lives as people of faith, as Caldwell takes initial steps to deepen our ministries related to those experiences in all of our lives. We will also sing, pray, welcome new members and all are invited to a new members luncheon after worship.
Before worship, come to the ACE Class (9:45 in the Shelby Room) for the first of a refresher series on the timeless tenets and new meaning of what it means to be Presbyterian. Parish Associate Rev. Dr. Diane Mowrey teaches this class and helps leads worship as well.
Come one and all … and invite a friend.
In Christ,