Parable, Prayer and Pride

Dear Caldwell,

What a glorious day outside, ushering in what should be an equally glorious weekend weatherwise. I trust that it greets you gently on this Friday. 

A professor of theology once said: “Parables are like fishing lures: they are full of attractive features – feathers, bright colors – and they end with a sharp little barb!” How true. I count the many blessings of being part of a faith community that listens to the parable even when they know they might get pricked. On Sunday, we will consider Jesus’ Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Luke 18:9-14. It is a  parable about prayer but also about pride and how to avoid getting pricked by it, or worse.

Thanks to our Room in the Inn teams who are hosting homeless guests in partnership with our neighbors at St. John’s Baptist. Also, don’t forget that if you would like to have the names of any recently lost loved ones or friends be a part of our liturgy on Oct. 31, please send that name and the relation of the person into the church office. A team has been working on what should be a wonderfully blended worship experience that day, including our opportunity to host the families of the Bilingual School.

May the weekend ahead bring you rest and recuperation. See you Sunday.
