Pie, not Piety, Just This Once

Body parts of christDear Caldwell,

Piety has its place among the “gifts of the Spirit” God that makes available to us as seekers and sojourners, but tonight is more about pie than piety.

We continue our fun exploration and discovery of our various God-given gifts for service to the church and to the world tonight under the leadership of our two terrific interns, Amy Speas and Kristen Roehrig, along with others. Skits, music and other shenanigans are in store.

Grab a friend, your favorite salad topping and, if you want, an entry in the pie offerings. There will be a range of awards! Or just bring a fork and enjoy.

We are grateful that Fred “Scotty” Powers underwent a successful outpatient cancer check and treatment Tuesday and is recovering well. Please pray for toddler Sky, Riley Murray’s granddaughter, who will have a routine procedure for her little ears and sinuses on Thursday.

Also, please pray for Jill and Troy Aleong, who celebrate the life of Jill’s father in a memorial service this morning.

Watch for more in Caldwell This Week later this week. Hope to see you tonight – dinner at 5:30 and program at 6 p.m.

In Christ,
