Practicing Resurrection
Dear Caldwell,
Our Adult Christian Education class, which meets Sundays at 9:45 in the Shelby Room, has begun a book by well-known author and pastor Eugene Peterson. In it he calls us all to slow down and “practice resurrection.” He also writes about the kind of church where all of us might do so.
What's the one thing more fun than reading? Ice Cream - The Caldwell Merry Oaks team of disciples concluded a record-setting year of turning Merry Oaks Elementary kids on to books. Ice cream for 300 was served and new books were awarded. As shown in this picture, at least one avid reader was more interested in his new book than ice cream! Thanks to Jeff Mitchiner, Jane Wallwork (pictured) and the entire team of steadfast Caldwell volunteers! We will think about all of that not just in Sunday school but in worship this Sunday. We will also welcome our newest members, collect the 10-cents a meal offering for hungry and at risk kids and more. As always, Caldwell House breakfast prep starts at 7:00 and is served at 8:30 a.m.
Please do make a point to give a hearty welcome to those who made Caldwell their church home last Sunday – Jean Musa, Dee Rogers and children Izaiah and Iyanah Lawrence, friends of Zoraida Stewart.
If you are interesting in attending the Moral Monday demonstration in Raleigh this coming Monday, a caravan of a larger group will leave Dick’s sporting goods on JW Clay Boulevard at noon. I suggest that Caldwell folk gather at church at 11:30 to share rides and we will proceed to join the larger caravan. There is a rally mid-afternoon at Martin Street Baptist Church in Raleigh and the actual demonstration at the Capitol is 5-7 pm, at which time we will return to Charlotte (except for those who wish to practice civil disobedience, who will have lodging for the night elsewhere). Don’t forget our conversation with Sen. Clodfelter this afternoon at 2:00 pm
Let us keep member Cindy Stonecipher in prayer following the loss of her father and pray that she is held by the promise of the resurrection.
We will catch up otherwise on Sunday.
In Christ,