Preparing A Place

Welcome new members (left to right(: Jenni Reaves and Devin Anderson; Sarah Johnson and Marsha Carter.
Welcome new members (left to right): Jenni Reaves and Devin Anderson; Sarah Johnson and Marsha Carter.

Dear Caldwell,

On Sunday, we will hear Christ’s words, “I go to prepare a place for you.” In the ever-dynamic “place” that is Caldwell, prepared for us by God to share with others, it’s been another busy and abundant week. Several important updates:

The Third Place Temporarily Closing

After flooding damage last week, Caldwell and our partners at QC Family Tree have decided to close temporarily the coffee shop aspect of The Third Place for repairs and what you might call a “reboot.” We’ve learned a lot in this experiment in “kingdom enterprise.” We intend to enhance the concept, menu and space and reopen this summer. PLEASE NOTE that the space is still available for private events, which has been a very successful aspect of this ministry – a place for all sorts of groups to gather across difference. Stay tuned for more details and help us spread the word that The Third Place still has a bright future after these improvements.

Georgia Mae Harding, already offering praise (or waving hello to her Caldwell family)!
Georgia Mae Harding, already offering praise (or waving hello to her Caldwell family)!

Welcome New Members of All Ages

We welcomed four new members Sunday and will celebrate them Sunday (see photo). Please introduce yourself the first chance you get. Also, why not join us for Newcomers Lunch this Sunday after church at Hawthorne’s Pizza?

Speaking of new members, there is a mini baby boom underway at Caldwell. Georgia Mae Harding is doing well at home with mom and dad, Tyler and Pat. This Sunday, we get to baptize Fiona Craton, daughter of Emily and Tim. And we are delighted to welcome into the Caldwell family the newborn daughter of Michael Luther and  Chris White, Sadie Michaela.

Sunday: Hitting Rewind

Our trip this week from Sunday to Sunday moves us from dreaming ahead last Sunday to hitting rewind this Sunday. We start a three-part series on Jesus’ Farewell Discourse in the Gospel of John this Sunday. Scripture is John 14:1-14. In this season of Eastertide, these passages give us a chance to “meet” Jesus all over again as Jesus explains just who he is. It’s like hitting rewind – a chance to back and listen again to how God in Christ made his identity clear to his followers, according to John’s gospel. This series takes us all the way to Pentecost.

Big Dreams

If you didn’t have a chance to read the recap of the important congregational conversation last Sunday, you can find it here. God is on the move and going ahead of us, as always, preparing a place of welcome, healing and empowerment for us to imagine. What an enormous blessing and exciting possibility for this part of the body of Christ thanks to old friends of this old church.

Watch for Caldwell This Week.

In Christ, John