Relinquishing and Receiving

Dear Caldwell,

New members Amaka Chinukwue and Azulouike Nwadei (Azu)
New members Amaka Chinukwue (left) and Azulouike Nwadei (Azu)

As we travel from Sunday to Sunday this week, we may still be thinking about the bold but unstoppable Canaanite woman we got to know Sunday. She would not let Jesus turn her away and who, in the end, reminded Jesus of his divine calling.  For many, her desire for Christ’s blessing bears witness to our shared call to open the love of God to all people.

Personally, I have also spent more time this week with a book I quoted two week ago by Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann. In it he writes, ” “The prophetic task is to mediate a relinquishment of a world that is gone and a reception of a world that is being given.” Relinquishing, which means letting go, and receiving: Isn’t that the arc of the Christian life – to open ourselves to new life in Christ for ourselves and for the world, to let go of anything that mitigates the kingdom of God on Earth and prevents us from receiving that kingdom?

New members Thomas and Katherine Burke-Reisinger
New members Thomas and Katherine Burke-Reisinger

In the same post, I quoted Brueggemann’s point that we often witness what he calls “a desperate yearning” among some for the world that is past, one in which “gays, Muslims, immigrants are banished.” 

This week, with news of Franklin Graham’s latest outburst against the LGBT community, we are reminded of how that “desperate yearning” still defines some believers, often those who are not at all ready to relinquish and receive God’s ever-new revelation. It was only a few weeks ago that the Boy Scouts of America changed their policies to be more inclusive. Later this summer, the U.S. Supreme Court should make what

New member Rob Hammock (right rear) and family:  kids - Elizabeth, MacKenzie and Jackson and wife Caroline
New member Rob Hammock (right rear) and family: kids – Elizabeth, MacKenzie and Jackson and wife Caroline

many think will be a definitive ruling on same-gender marriage. And, at the same time, here in Charlotte we are keenly aware that our city faces a crossroads moment in how – as a community – we will prepare for and handle the court case next month of the Charlotte police officer in the shooting of Jonathan Ferrell.

Being people of faith – those who follow Jesus’ model of reconciliation – is rarely dull or lacking in challenge. Yet, as with the Canaanite women, we persevere, trusting God will guide, direct and answer us, as Christ did that day.

Please welcome the many new members we received on Sunday. Also, please note the announcement

New members Sarah and Morri Creech, with daughter Mimi.
New members Sarah and Morri Creech, with daughter Mimi.

below about a yard sale by our dear friend Marilyn Rowland, as she and Dick prepare to move to the mountains.

In Christ, Johnyard sale flyer